WEBSite - Information
This WEBSite has been created to expose the work done in the "Save the Enerfy for the Future Generations" during the years 2010/2011/2012.
Also worth mentioning that this page was created by the students of the center and project users. The information and content of the page makes the students and supervised by coordinators and teachers of the school.
For any questions, or whether to get in touch with the coordination of the project, or to getin touch with the creators of this page, you will get in touch with the followings emails:
Coordination of the Project:
Creator of the WEBSite:
You can also using the following addresses:
The STAFF of this WEBPage recomended the use of ADOBE Flash Player to see it in the best high quality (videos, photographs, etc).
- Link:
We add that this page has the legal protecion of copyright. If someone makes aninappropietate use this content in the legal repercussions fall on him, becoming accountable on the law.
Save Energy for the Futures Generations - Cophyright
© 2010/2012
Sincerley, students participating in the Save Energy for the Future Generations.