Comenius Game Torreforta
The game was created by Andoni Diaz & Josep Badia, members of the proyect.
Directions to play the game:
The first thing you must do is download the program WinRAR (in case you do not know, WinRAR is a program that let's you compress and decompress filest to ocuppy less space).
Once downloaded this program, you will have to download the game. You can download this game in the next site (download the game it's free)
Comenius Game Torreforta
Done this, you will have to open the folder: Applet Comenius. Once there you will have to create a new folder on your desktop computer (with any othername) and extract the files into this new folder.
We can say that the game will not open if they are the two files in a folder and that this game is not compatible to Mac (Apple).
Once exctracted, you will have to open the file that says: test.jar
Done this, you can enjoy the game.
We hope you enjoy it.